Thursday, December 15, 2011

What's my secret, you ask?

I've been asked this question many times, "Hey Mel! What's your secret?!" and sometimes I know the person really wants to know how to do this "getting healthy" thing but sometimes I think people want a quick fix. Unfortunately there is no quick fix, well at least not one that is meant to stick forever. There are lots and lots of fad diets out there, ways to lose weight quickly, and obviously I've seen some of those work. But those aren't meant to become a lifestyle. I believe 100% that to be healthy and live a healthy lifestyle FOREVER you have to do something you can do for the rest of your life. When it comes down to it, it's pretty basic. I wanted to give you a few tips that have helped me and these are things that are a part of my daily life. One thing I do everyday is I journal what I eat (this is something I've learned from Weight Watchers). This helps me be accountable and helps me remember what I'm actually eating. I try my best to write everything down. I exercise for 45- 60 minutes a day, at least 5 days a week. There are days I work out a little more and days a little less. The key is to move! I choose the healthier food, most of the time ;) It has now become a habit to eat more vegetables and fruits, it has definitely taken some time for that to become something that's just natural for me. I don't cut any food out of my diet. I still eat cake and cookies. In my opinion, if you cut out foods then how will you ever learn to be able to control yourself with them? Now there are certain foods I don't keep in my house ONLY because I know I have the potential to overindulge in certain foods. But I still eat them. I make sure I have people around me that support me. I have my family, my husband, friends and my Weight Watcher group! You have to surround yourself with people that are positive with what you're doing and distance those that might try and bring you down (believe it or not, you will have people that won't support you... boo them!) The last thing I want to mention is that I try my best to pay it forward. I share my journey with others in hopes that I can help them! That is a great accountability and it's also nice to help others and also fun to do life with others! I'm sure there are MANY MANY more tips on how to be successful in becoming healthy... you are more than welcome to share!!! I would love to read some of your tips that you have adopted!!
Thanks for reading!!!! :)

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