Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Sometimes it just doesn't work!! Grrrrrr

You work really hard, exercise, follow all the "good eating" rules.. you even pass up the cookies and drink extra water and you step on that scale, of course only expecting a big weight loss and ta dah... NOTHING!! Or even worse.. a weight gain!! RAWR!!! It happens to the best of us!!! I am not a fan of those moments! Moments like these can make us or break us. I've had moments like this and I've responded in different ways. Most of the time, I use it as a motivator to work harder or to just stay on track (given I'm already working hard). Although, I have had my moments of just saying, "Oh forget it!!!! I'm so frustrated I'm going to set the scale on fire and go eat a cake!!!" I've never done those things but have wanted too!! :) This is one of those weeks for me. I've worked really hard this week, followed all of my WW rules, exercised.. blah blah and my scale says I'm up 2 pounds. WHAT IN THE WORLD?! I say, read between the lines scale!! READ BETWEEN THE LINES!! ;) You know what I'm really going to do? I'm going to keep working.. keep moving forward.. and I won't let this get me down. You see, anything can cause a little weight gain and it very well might not have anything to do with how hard you've worked. When I first joined WW I would get soooo upset if I gained a little weight, now don't get me wrong I still get a little upset, but I don't let it control my actions. What I do now is I look at my entire month and judge my results based on that. Or I'll try on a pair of jeans to see how well they fit, ummm.. or how well they don't fit. The key is to stay consistent! Don't base your commitment on the result you see today! If you work hard and are doing what you set out to do, you'll achieve your goals!! I have no doubt in that!! Don't ever let the scale dictate your level of dedication!! You dictate your level of dedication! When it comes down to it, it's up to you how much you'll invest in yourself and how far you'll go. I say go all the way!! Giving up is not an option!! :)

Thanks for reading (and letting me vent for a bit :)
:) Mel

1 comment:

  1. I look at the scale once to 3 times a day and try not to be overly critical. I know that a bottle of water weighs roughly 1 pound, and if I am drinking water like a mad person all day, then the scale will read HIGH! But in the morning after my first "pitstop", I weigh myself and find find that I typically lose 3-5 pounds while I am sleeping.....not sure where it goes!!!!!!!
    I also have found that I am often "overdoing it" with drinking water and have started adding salt into my bottles of water. drinking too much water has a negative effect too, and can actually cause you to "drown".

    A lot of influences can affect your daily weight, but I agree that you definitely need to look at the bigger picture and look at the sum total of the month....or even a week.(I love my cheat day, but still try not to over do it!)
