Sunday, November 6, 2011

Gettin' Physical

I don't meet too many people that LOVE to exercise. It's one of those things that we know we should do but find just about any excuse not too. Before starting Weight Watchers, I never exercised. Once in a while I would take a walk with the mindset of "yes, I'm working out!" but I wasn't consistent. After starting Weight Watchers I now see exercise in a whole new light. I remember taking those few pre Weight Watcher walks and thinking, "Wow I walked around the block a few times!! I can now eat a gallon of ice cream!" It doesn't work that way, boo!! There definitely MUST be a change in your eating to see a change in your weight and health. BUT... exercise is still very very important and necessary for a healthy lifestyle. When you compare someone that has lost weight by only changing their food vs. someone that has lost weight by changing what and how they eat and have also included exercise, you can tell a huge difference in the way they look. The person that exercises looks better, more slim, they are more active and have tons more energy! Plus, you can eat a little more when you work out :) that's always a bonus! When I first started losing weight, I didn't include exercise until after the first month. My first type of exercise was a 15 minute walking video that included resistance bands. I honestly was so wiped out after doing the 15 min. video. I would challenge myself to keep going by never getting comfortable. Once I conquered an exercise or exercise video I would move on to a more challenging one. I do believe that by challenging myself and setting new exercise goals will play a role in me keeping the weight off. I really do love to run. Now, let me  explain something though, usually I don't enjoy the few min. building up to running.. it's once I start running and when I finish are the parts that I really love. You feel so accomplished when you do something you never thought you could do! Exercise makes you feel so strong! I believe one of the MOST important things when it comes to exercise is consistency. I don't necessarily believe it's who can run the farthest, fastest or who can lift the most weights.. it's the one that can stay consistent with exercising. That, in my experience, has shown to have the most impact. There have been times I would push myself so hard I would be in so much pain that I wouldn't be able to workout for several days afterward and I would lose my momentum a bit. I have altered my exercise routine to include something I enjoy doing and I try to switch up what I do so I don't get bored with it. I do continue to challenge myself physically and I believe that's very important, but when it comes to my daily activity I try to do something I can stick with and enjoy. I want to really encourage you, start exercising! If you already exercise, continue to push yourself! Find things that you never thought you could physically do and work at accomplishing those things. You'll not only feel strong on the outside but you'll also feel strong emotionally and mentally!
I love this quote I found in my Weight Watcher journal;
Dieting makes you look good in your clothes, exercise makes you look good naked.

Thanks for reading!!!

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