Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Bored, Tired, Stressed, Emotional...

I should add excited, happy, celebrating, nervous, frustrated.. so on and so on. Sometimes these are reasons why we eat and we're not even hungry! I've been thinking about the cold weather headed our way and the winter season usually brings cabin fever with it. I have no doubt I will encounter days where I'll want to sit and eat just out of boredom. Have you ever stopped yourself while eating and thought, "Oh my gosh, I'm not even hungry! And this food doesn't even taste that good! I'm just eating to eat!" I know I have.. several times. And I don't even have to be bored to do that. There have been plenty of times I would hear good news and start eating just to celebrate... I know it sounds ridiculous, but it's true! If you think about it, eating doesn't really help the situation. Sometimes food can just become our thing we run to. Just like alcohol is to others, that's what food can be to some. I feel like I blog mainly about food and it's because I believe the way I handled food is the main reason I was overweight. Exercise is very important.. but the food part of it is even more important. I'll blog about exercise soon, so don't get me wrong.. I think exercise should be a part of a healthy lifestyle, but when it comes to someone that has struggled with being overweight most of their lives.. food is the main reason (well really ourselves, but it's because of the food we eat and how much we eat) So what will I do to keep my hands out of the cookie jar this season? Paint! Amongst many other activities! During the spring time, I was going through a very emotional time and I started painting, EVERYTHING! I'd go and buy a can of paint and paint furniture, rooms.. whatever I could get my hands on! I'd switch the way I had my furniture around. Clean out the cabinets, organize the kids drawers... I just kept myself busy! I would use that time to try some new exercise DVD's.. and make sure I kept play'doh and coloring books and crayons in reach. I just stayed busy!! When I would feel bored or down I would start a project. I actually got a lot done!! So this year, I will do the same :) I'm pretty sure a few rooms in my house will get a face lift this winter! I just want to encourage you to keep going! Stay focused! You really are worth the effort and you don't want to let your emotions get the best of you. And let's say you do have an emotional eating moment.. well that's ok, just pick yourself back up and keep going. It happens to us all! So go out and buy yourself some paintbrushes! Thanks for reading :)

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm... There are a few painting projects that need to be done around my house... Let me know the next time you are looking for something to paint! :)
