Thursday, October 13, 2011

I small goaled my way here!!

So I was at a store the other day and just for the fun of it, I grabbed 2 different pairs of size 7/8 jeans.. you know, just to see how much longer until they fit. Guess what! They fit!!!! I almost threw up!! I was so excited!! I know, some might say, "Duh Mel!! You know you're going to fit in smaller jeans!! But come on! A size 7/8! I've NEVER worn a size 7/8 (yep, I keep repeating size 7/8 cause it's awesome! hehehe) Honestly, I don't think I ever imagined myself wearing that small of a size. So it's just as much shocking as it is exciting. I think if I said to myself, "Ok self, let's focus on getting to a size 7/8"  I would've given up... it was way too far away. So I am a big pusher of setting small goals. If you know me, you've heard me say this before and probably have heard me say it many many times before. Setting small goals sets you up for a win! Obviously I knew what my long term goal was.. to lose a bunch of weight and be healthier, but that is not what my focus was. My focus was accomplishing the "next small goal." In Weight Watchers, the first goal is to lose 5% of your total weight. So that is what I set as my first goal. The next goals are to lose 10%, be a Weight Watcher for 16 weeks, and so on. We also celebrate every 5 pound weight loss with a star sticker (yes we are grown people excited to get stickers!!) So I followed all of the Weight Watcher goals, but I also set some for myself. My first personal goal, I can celebrate on FB with my friends once I hit -30 pounds. I'm a FB lover so this worked for me! I set my exercise goals as well. (now that I'm writing this.. I think I've written about this before!! Oh well, we need to hear it again ;) This morning when I woke up, my goal was to have a perfect DAY, not a perfect week or month.. but just today! Perfect for me means to journal everything I eat, to not take little bites of my kids food throughout the day, and to get some exercise in. As you set these small goals and meet them and then set more small goals (then repeat :) before you know it you'll be right where you want to be! It's amazing to see that I've small goaled my way to lose over 100 pounds and now able to wear a size 7/8 ;) Small goaled my way to be able to run 5 miles and workout for an hour straight without dying! So that's my little challenge to you. Set some small goals. Set a small goal you'd like to reach by the end of Oct. and then the end of the year. I set my end of the year goal, I want to lose 16 more pounds by the end of the year. Once I hit that then I will be only 10 pounds from my final goal! I made a chart yesterday with the remainder of the year broken down in weeks (yes I'm a chart making dork) I bet by then I can even be down to a size 5/6! Thanks for reading!! Now set your goals!! :)

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