Sunday, September 25, 2011

Mental Issues!

"Mental Issues" is a perfect title for this blog! I think this is one of the biggest if not THE biggest hurdle to get past when losing weight and adopting a new-healthy lifestyle! Have you ever attempted to do something and figured you can't do it before you even try? (probably, right?!) I remember when I first joined Weight Watchers I told myself, "Ok, I'm not going to tell anyone I'm doing this (besides a few very close friends and family of mine) until I've lost 30 pounds." I pretty much knew I was going to fail at it because this was not the first time I've tried losing weight. I didn't want to tell anyone that I was doing this and then fail at it and let myself and others down. I knew I had to try though, because I wanted to do this for my health and for my family.. so I tried. The first few weeks after joining were pretty easy, I didn't have to talk myself into working hard at it, because it was so new and fresh. It wasn't always so easy, though. Here are different mental issues I've fought through and gotten past. "I can't do this!"  "I've failed at this before what's going to make this time different?" "My friends and family have watched me attempt to lose weight and they know that I've failed over and over, why would they believe in me?" "I don't think I can control myself with the food!" "I will NEVER be able to run a mile!" "I can't exercise for that long!! I'll die!!" and more.... I'm sure you can add more to this list. I just stopped believing the lies and doubts inside myself. That's it! The fact is we can overcome this way of thinking! If you can move past the thoughts and lies you tell yourself, you've just won the battle! Think about it, if you tell yourself, "I can do this!" "I don't need to eat that whole cake!" "I can run/exercise and I can push myself farther than I ever thought I could go!" "Even if NO ONE believes in me, I can still do this, because when it comes down to it.. it's up to me!" If we continue to believe the negative thoughts then we will never become more than what we are right now! You are in control of what you think...and you can change that at anytime. So here's my challenge to you... think of something you never thought was possible. Maybe it's running a mile or going a whole week without having pop or sweets. Maybe it's walking around the block or even fitting in to a pair of smaller jeans. I want you to start working on hitting that goal. Don't start tomorrow or next week, start right now! First, by telling yourself, "I can do this!!" I am not asking you to do something I haven't done already and haven't seen success in already. I know without a doubt that if you change your thinking and see yourself as the strong person you really are, you can do it! I hope this encourages you and you can hear me cheering and waving my pom-poms for you!!

Thanks for reading... now change your thinking!! :)

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