Thursday, September 8, 2011

HEY!!! Where's the finish line?!

The other day while I was finishing up a run (still crazy to hear myself say that!) I started thinking "When will I be done running?" and I didn't mean not running for the day, but running overall. I don't think I'll ever stop until my body says I can't do it anymore. It started me thinking about my weight loss journey and this lifestyle I've taken on. I don't believe there is really ever a "finish" line. I believe that there are check points where you take a break at, celebrate that you made it that far, evaluate how far you've come and where the next check point is.. etc. I believe realizing this will help in the maintenance time. If we can see this as an ongoing race or run, then we will see this as a lifestyle we have to keep. When we hit a "finish" line we just stop. We go back to what we were doing. If we can see it as a check point, then we know that we aren't finished, that there is still more running to do and more goals to set and meet. It might sound exhausting, like.. "I will never be finished?!" but it's the truth. I know for me, I will never be finished. I can't be. I know how easy it would be to go back to my old ways.. and I don't want to go back. Ever! So here are some ways I think will help me never be "finished"... To always set goals, at some point I won't be able to set weight loss goals but I will set physical goals. To continue to impact people's lives through the change that's happened in mine. To share my story with others. To stay connected to Weight Watchers and/or people that I can be accountable too. I'm sure there are more ways, but these are the first things that came to mind. I do believe that the longer you do something the more habit it becomes, but I don't believe that one can never go back to the way they were. So this was just a personal challenge for me and I thought I'd share it with you :)
Thanks for reading!!!

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