Thursday, March 1, 2012

Check me out!!

You know that feeling you get inside when you do something that makes you feel accomplished? What a great feeling, huh! I've been thinking a lot about those feelings. It's like a little spark, or big spark, that goes off inside of you and makes you feel like, "Hey!! Maybe I really can do this!!" "Maybe this isn't as impossible as I thought it was going to be!" Sometimes it's those sparks that keep us going when we don't necessarily feel like going anymore. It's nice to remind ourselves how far we've come rather than how far we have to go. For me personally, I get so much enjoyment out of seeing someone meet a goal or reach a dream in their life. Actually, I LOVE it! There's a lady that joined my Weight Watcher class about a month ago and she's been doing a great job! But last week she walks into class and she looked different. She had makeup on, dressed up a bit and had her hair fixed.. and she had a big smile on her face! That night when we celebrated what she had lost that week our WW leader asked her what has changed so far? And the lady said, "I have make up on! I can't remember the last time I wore make up!!" I wanted to cry tears of happiness for her! Not because she was wearing make up, but because she felt accomplished and strong! You can tell how she was feeling on the inside because her confidence on the outside was showing it off!! It's those moments, those sparks, that we can hold on to. When you lose those first 9-10 pounds. When you can fit into a pair of jeans that you were working hard to fit in. When you run your first mile! When you can go on vacation and not come back with a weight gain (I just did that!!) When you reach a milestone in your workout that you were pushing yourself to get to! There are so many things that can keep us moving along!! It's not about the BIG goals we reach, yes those happen, but it's those little ones that we can reach each month. Those keep us going! I just want to remind you of those sparks. I don't want you to forget how great reaching a small goal can make you feel! How when you look in the mirror and the smile reflecting back at you is more confident than ever! Be proud of yourself!! I am :)

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