Monday, March 12, 2012

"99 Days Until Summer!!!!"

You read the title and you may have one of a few reactions. One being, "YAY!!! I'm soooo ready for summertime!!" Another being, "WHAT?!!! How did that happen?! I really should start my diet and exercise routine!!" I was perusing facebook today and ran across a friend of mine's, Darlene Osborne, facebook status update. This is what it read, "Dang (I did change that first word for my sensitive readers ;)  it! My friend posted today that there are 100 days until summer! I've been skipping going to the gym lately because it's been so busy around here. I was debating going today because I NEED to go and NEED to get back into a solid 4-6 times/week routine. Now I have to go for sure! Crap! 100 days? Really?" I instantly took this as a challenge! I've been being kinda relaxed on my journey I'm on. Letting little things slip here and there. I'm sure this is quite normal, but the reality of it is, if I keep being so relaxed it might take me forever to get to my final goal. I've also been calling it, "My final leg of THIS race" because I know it never really ends. Do you have something you'd like to accomplish by the first day of summer? To be exact it's Thursday, June 21st :) Maybe you're doing great and on your way! Maybe you're behaving like me.. sorta relaxed. Maybe you haven't even started that New Years Resolution yet?! I have decided to take advantage of the next 99 days. I took some time to think about what I'd like to accomplish. Here are some things I'm going to do. And some will be broken up in smaller goals because even 99 days away can seem a bit overwhelming to me. So first off, I WILL meet my final goal within the 99 days. My goal is to meet it within the next 30 days. I'm being reasonable here and even giving myself some cushion. I have a little over 7 pounds to go until I hit the final goal. After that, I need to maintain my weight for 6 weeks to become a lifetime Weight Watcher Member, which means I no longer have to give them my money! I can sit in that seat for free!! So within the next 99 days, I have a goal to become a lifetime member. By the end of the 99 days I want to be able to run 7 miles, non stop. I hope to be running 10 miles by fall. I will probably be a dork and make a chart, but that helps keep me on track and it gives me something to look at everyday so I can see how far I've come and how close I am to the end. What about you? Do you think you can set some goals, big or small, for the next 99 days? June 21st will come no matter what! You have the opportunity to make a difference in your own life between now and then! I hope you take some time, set some goals and refocus on what's ahead of you! You really can do it!!! :)
Thanks for reading!!!! 
Let me know if you set some "99 day goals!" We could all go out and celebrate our accomplishments together!

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