Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Lucky girl...

How awesome would it be if all it took was finding a four leaf clover and then you'd have luck on your side?! My mother in law can walk into the middle of a field of flowers and weeds and I swear, she can look down at the ground and find a four leaf clover.. over and over. It does seem a little magical to me. March has me thinking about St. Patricks Day and feeling lucky and clovers and how there is magic in all of that. I'm not sure if you've ever thought like me, but if I could've had one wish, I always said I would wish to be thin. I hated hated HATED struggling with being over weight. It was a life long battle of wanting to lose weight, wanting to be healthy, wanting to feel like I could do anything I wanted too... I always wished for those thing. There have been times I've heard people say, "Wow!! You're so lucky this worked out for you!!!" or "Hey!!! Tell me the secret!! What's the magic secret when it comes to losing weight?" Unfortunately it's not as easy as finding a four leaf clover in the middle of a field or finding a genie in a bottle to grant you that one wish.. there is not a secret or no luck to it at all, it's simply hard work! It takes perseverance;
steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc., especially in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement. That means not quitting when it gets tough. Not giving up when your emotions just aren't in it anymore. It's a mind battle more than anything. It takes determination;
the act of coming to a decision or of fixing or settling a purpose. Taking that step and finally deciding THIS IS WHAT I AM DOING! I have discovered that if you want something bad enough, you'll make the decision with your mind and heart and you'll just go after it.. and not stop until you get it! Focus; a point of concentration, directed attention. Keeping in mind your goals. Remembering why you started this journey in the first place. I have found that setting goals and not quitting until I hit that goal has become a habit of mine. I keep my eyes focused on something, whether it's a finish line or a challenge I set for myself and I refuse to quit until I hit that mark. A few other things that I find are invaluable to this journey.. being able to forgive yourself easily. We tend to be harder on ourselves and get down on ourselves when we mess up. I understand that, I still deal with this in other areas of my life. But when it comes to losing weight, you cannot allow yesterdays mess ups keep you down today! You have to forgive yourself and move on. Plan!! Plan ahead as best as you can. If you can plan and prepare, you will be setting yourself up for a win! Keep good food in your refrigerator and pantry and keep the bad foods out. Write down what you eat!! Sometimes we think if we don't write it down than maybe that means I didn't eat it. Wrong. We just lie to ourselves. Find an activity or workout that you enjoy and do it! If you can do it everyday, do it everyday. Stay consistent with it!! Don't eliminate foods from your diet. I have always allowed myself to eat whatever I want. I've just learned to portion it out and to weigh or measure it. I do eliminate certain foods from coming into my home, but that's because I know I'll eat all of it!! Know your own limits. Be real with yourself. I have wonderful people that have been with me throughout this journey, but it solely comes down to it is my responsibility. I can have all the help around me, but only I know if I'm sneaking into the kitchen looking for a snack in the middle of the night! So be real and honest with yourself! I have found that if we want something bad enough, we will do whatever it takes to get it! Know this.. YOU are worth it!! You can do this!!! How bad do you really want it?!!! Bad enough to keep going until you reach your goals? :)

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