Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Keeping the bigger picture in mind

Hello!! I hope you had a wonderful holiday!! I feel like I've been going crazy since Thanksgiving. Time keeps going even when I ask it to wait up for me, it never listens! I am always curious as to what people got for Christmas, what their favorite gifts were, what their favorite gifts they gave were.. and so on. I absolutely loved all of my gifts! How can you not when someone takes their time and thoughts and money and uses it on you! It's hard to pick a favorite but I do have one that stood out to me above the rest. My sister in law, Lisa, wins the prize this year! This is what she gave me (see picture). It's a very large key ring. I was just as confused as you might be but believe me, there is a very cool purpose to this gift. She knows I am a runner and I have goals to run different charity runs and work my way up to 1/2 marathons and marathons. She brought out her matching key ring and showed me the purpose of this. It's to hang my bibs on it that I get from each run I do. A bib is the number that the runner wears on their shirt. So for each run I do I can poke a hole in the bib and attach it to the key ring. Her's has several. Mine doesn't, for now though! I thought, how future minded and goal minded is this gift!!! It reminds me of the goals we have set for ourselves. I know I talk a lot.. A LOT, about goals. I only do because that is one of the key things that got me to my total weight loss goal. I like to say I small goaled my way here! I think sometimes we lose focus and lose sight of the "main goal" we have the tendancy to give in to what we want right now, this minute, this second.. and we'll say, "Oh, I'll get back to it tomorrow, It's only this one time (when in reality we've said that since Thanksgiving)." You see, if we continue to give in and not make the changes we need to and not get rid of the bad habits or the bad foods or whatever else.. eventually we lose sight of the main goal. There is so much satisfaction in reaching goals. I'm talking beyond a smaller pant size or compliments from your family and friends, because believe me as someone that's now in maintenance, those things will pass. What doesn't pass is the ability that you have learned to set goals and reach them, the ability to press through a challenge that before you would just cave in and the strength you have on the INSIDE. So here's what I would like you to try. Get something physical to keep in your house somewhere. If it's a pant size, buy a pair of jeans in that size. If it's to do something like what mine is, and run races and marathons, buy yourself a key ring! If it's to fit into your wedding ring, be able to lift a certain amount of weight.. whatever it may be, get something for you to be able to see and have so you can look at it as a reminder. I am all for setting those small goals, those are equally important! But don't lose focus of those main goals either! I have high expectations for this next year. And lets be honest, there is no magic in a new year, it's all about how much work you're willing to put in. How hard are you willing to fight? I am not saying this because it has come easy for me, this has been the biggest challenge of my life. I am saying it is absolutely and totally possible!!!

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