Monday, August 27, 2012

I'd like to make a deposit..

I don't know, maybe this is just how I'm "wired" but giving back brings me so much fulfillment. I remember walking in to my first WW meeting and thinking, "Ok, IF I can do this.. IF I can overcome this weight issue I've never been able to conquer, then I'm not only going to do this for myself but for those around me." It's just something I do, I try to make deposits into other people's lives. There is no point in doing something if you're not able to impact someone around you. During the beginning of my journey, I had to focus on myself first. I had to figure this weight loss thing out. I even tried to keep it a secret for the first 30 pounds, but that was mainly because I was afraid I'd fail and I didn't want to look like a failure in people's eyes (yep.. you're talking to a people pleaser here.. it's not a pretty sight) But slowly, those around me started to notice the changes in me and wanted to know what I was doing. So that's when I started to share and hope that those that needed it would grab a hold of whatever they needed from my experiences. I guess for me, it helps me in several areas. One, it helps me keep my eyes off of myself. I have walked through frustrating and discouraging times during this journey but knowing that others were counting on me to finish, it helped keep me going. When you're making deposits into other peoples lives, it sorta helps keep your eyes off of your own problems. It's also a great accountability! If someone is asking me for advice on what they should eat or how to keep going when they don't feel like it.. well I better be doing those things if I'm going to hope someone else will! I have the wonderful privilege of waking up in the mornings and opening up my FB messages to find people sharing with me their exciting news about their journeys. I get to talk to those that just need a little boost of encouragement or a little push to get them past a hurdle. I feel so lucky to be able to do this. I do believe we all can do this! And why not? This is such an amazing thing you're doing for your health, life and future.. and another persons health, life and future can be greatly impacted by you. I think even in our struggles we can help others. I want to encourage you, if you're having a hard time on your weight loss/getting healthy plan.. then try making some deposits into others. Find someone that might need a workout buddy and set a date to workout together. Maybe you'll find someone that just needs some encouragement. I know lots of people that simply need some cheerleaders on their side! You might not see that you've come far enough to help someone else, but just the fact that you're trying is good enough to help others! Make a deposit into someones life, expecting nothing in return except the satisfaction and joy knowing that you've helped someone else. Thank you to those that have allowed me to deposit into their lives. By you allowing that, you've helped me in so many ways! Keeping our eyes off of our own "ho hums" helps us not be so down about the things that might not be going our way. And as always, thanks for reading :)

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