Saturday, October 26, 2013

What keeps me going...

 Anchor.. something that keeps/holds you in place. Meet Johnathan, Kennedy & Jack, 3 of my anchors.

 They are the reason I first walked into Weight Watchers. I wanted to make sure I did what I could to be around for them as long as I can. I know life doesn't always play fair and we don't get to choose how long our lives will be, but I knew that there were things I could take control of to keep my life from being shortened. As we enter this holiday season of craziness, think about your anchors. Why are you doing this? It's so important to remind yourself why. I am so thankful I made the choice to change my life. I have forever impacted these three little lives. So when the season gets crazy and your time is given to everyone else, remember the best thing you can do for those you love is to take care of yourself. THEY are more important than food. THEY are more important than lack of self control. THEY are more important than giving in. I have friends that keep reminders on them as their anchors; a wedding ring that once was too tight and now slides around their finger, a picture of their heavier selves.. whatever it is, keep that with you as a reminder of what's more important. Here is a picture of my 3 kids in my old jeans. THEY are so worth the fight to keep going!

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